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Insanity and Reincarnation

Insanity and reincarnation.

I wonder if insanity carries forward from this life into the afterlife. Then, if that is true, are some people born insane already in the next life as a pre-damaged mind is installed into a newborn body?

For the sake of discussion, and to facilitate this thought experiment, let's just assume that reincarnation does happen at least some of the time.

Of course, there are many ways to be "insane". But it strikes me that there are a few major categories:

One category might be those who cannot process information correctly due to physical problems with the brain itself. Let's assume those problems cease when that body dies, and that soul moves on to better luck next time.

Another category would be those who have reasonable responses but to imagined dangers that turn out to be unreal. For instance, a person who is acutely paranoid, or a man walking along the street waving his arms wildly at nothing. He might seem crazy to casual observers, but if he is having a hallucination of being attacked by wasps or bees, then that response is natural, given what he perceives. So his mind is processing in a logical fashion, but his perceptions are flawed so he is working on false inputs.

In this case, if his hallucinations are based in a physical problem related to the brain, hormones, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), or some sort of drug side effect, or even a trauma from an event or circumstance within that lifetime, then I think it's fair to assume that these problems will also disappear with the death of that body, and that spirit starts fresh when they start their next life. However, if there is some psychological misalignment that is not based on a physical cause, does that follow the spirit into the next life?

Then there is the entire group of types of insanity where normal mental processes are completely broken. It's not about hallucinations, it's not about fears, phobias, or simple paranoia. It's about where there is a complete breakdown in brain function that is not due to damage to the brain, or an imbalance of chemicals or hormones.

We are talking about true mental illness that is purely psychological. Non-Sequitur logic circuits, emotional breakdowns, but also mass or serial murderers. Psychotic killers. Truly evil people who enjoy destroying and harming others, and people given to a variety of sick perversions ranging from pedophilia to beastiality, to amputating limbs off their sexual prey to outright cannibalism.

Now that we've eliminated the exceptions and trimmed it down to the core, we get to my real question.

My core question is: do these perversions persist into the afterlife, and possibly beyond that into subsequent lives?

Are these the evil ones that spiritualists and psychics warn us about? The so-called "demons" and the "lower frequency souls"?

Follow-up question: if we invoke the death penalty on a mass murderer, or a cannibal like Jeffrey Dahmer, are we just hitting the reset button and allowing them to escape the penalties of this life so they can start again in the next life and commit these crimes all over again in the future?

Or do you believe our soul is cleansed of guilt, mistakes, and cured of all psychological maladies during the Bardo state between this life and the next?

And what role would God play in this whole process / scenario? Do you suppose he cleanses all spirits and forgives all evil deeds after we die? Or do you suppose he traps the broken souls in Hell for eternity? Or does he allow them to come back into the mainstream of our society to act as lessons to us to keep us sharp? And to give the broken souls a chance to outgrow their crazy / evil / perversions? Or does he give a threshold of, say, 3 lifetimes, to get on the right path, or else be permanently committed to Hell?

What do you think?


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